Memorial Day CelebrationJoin us on May 27th to celebrate our Veterans ![]() |
Spring Food Feud![]() |
Dessert Auction!![]() |
Pollinator ProgressAmazing progress is being made in the Pollinator Garden! If you'd like to know how you can help please contact Jack Carpenter. For more information follow the "Read More" link ![]() |
Fire Cracker 5KCome Run, Walk, or Just Hang out for a good cause ![]() |
Sweets Suds and Solstice |
Our Giving Recognized by RIAt the weekly meeting on January 26th Eric Schmelling presented our club with an award and banner for our generous giving to the Rotary Foundation (Rotary International), for the 2021-2022 year. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Fireside Chat |
Community Thanksgiving Dinner 2022![]() |
Shadow Top and Doc Perkins |
Blooming Bee GardenWhat a great Outdoor Education Program being run by the Thorp Schools. |
Youth Services of Kittitas County |
We Can't Describe How We Miss YouIt is with a deep feeling of loss and pain that we tell you of the passing of Judy Backlund. To all who ever had the privilege to meet Judy she was an inspiration and a kindhearted person that you will never forget. I don't think anyone could express this better than Nancy Wilson. Please Click the "read more" button to read an email that Nancy sent telling of the legacy that Judy will leave. ![]() |
Habitat For HumanityThanks Kelle and Jessica for joining us this morning! We are exited about the current opportunities for volunteering as well as some new constructions opportunities coming up this fall. You can view these opportunities by following this link. |
Reecer Creek Robotics |
We Miss You AlreadyIt is with heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing of Jerry Brong. Jerry was a Rotarian since 1973. He was a Past President and a Paul Harris Fellow. Jerry's stories will be dearly missed, but forever remembered. ![]() |
Your Gift of LiveThank you so much James Donaldson for joining us this morning. Thanks for sharing your story with us! Please follow this link to find out more about the Your Gift of Life Foundation.
Spirit Therapeutic RidingSuch a wonderful presentation on a great program! Follow this link to find out more about Spirit Therapeutic Riding Center, and how you can help out! |
APOYOAllied People Offering Year-Round Outreach. |
KCHMThanks for the Presentation the Kittitas County Historical Museum this morning Sadie. Please follow this link to learn more about our wonderful local museum. Also go to the "Get Involved" tab to help support a great organization! ![]() |
Cold Weather ShelterDue to the potentially dangerous cold weather conditions over the next few days, the City, HopeSource, and FISH are collaborating to provide indoor spaces for folks that need a place to warm up. • HopeSource will extend the nighttime Cold Weather Shelter hours from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. at the Ellensburg United Methodist Church, 210 N. Ruby Street. • Hal Holmes Community Center, 209 N. Ruby Street, will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 28; 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, Dec 29 (with Library open until 6:00 p.m.); and 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, Dec 30. • FISH will open the Open Table (Radio City BBQ) location, 204 N. Main Street, for warming and dinner services beginning at 3:00 p.m. daily through Thursday. Please share this information with folks that may need these services ![]() |
Holiday Party |
Bookmobile Kickoff 2021The bookmobile made its first stop for 2021! Special thanks to Bob Rapp, Doug Crook, and Captain Read Write (Jerry A)! There were about sixty kids and thirty parents present! Nice Job Rotarians!
Mountains to SoundGreat Presentation and Volunteer Opportunity
It's Literacy Month for EMRC! |
Polio Dinner
Park Clean Up![]() Thanks to this group of Morning Rotarians (all "socially distanced" by family group), for coming out to pull weeds in the Rotary Park ball fields on Saturday..... |
Zoom ZoomEllensburg Morning Rotary has been meeting on Zoom since day one of isolation! ![]() |
Meet Your RotarianThanks for sharing your stories this morning Dean and Karen. You are truly fortunate to have you both! |
President's Message![]() ![]() Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club 2020-2021 President's Message... |
Square for GivingWhile there you may also give to the EMRC Foundation which is a 501c3 Please click on the story title to read the "fine print." ![]() |
Thanks Green Bow Farm |
Hope Source Covid-19 Assistance![]() If you need assistance follow this link: Request Help To Volunteer follow this link: Volunteer to Help |
Kittitas County Early Learning Coalition |
Club Spring Training Experience![]() Join us in Yakima on Saturday, May 16th for a fun-filled day of Rotary knowledge. All club members are welcome. Cost is $25 to be paid to our club directly. |
Dinner and a MovieJoin us for our Annual Dinner and a Movie fund raiser! ![]() |
WA Opportunity Scholarship |
The Healing Power of Music |
District Governor's Report |
Phil and Judy |
Hippo 6K Results![]() Congratulations Monte Thorn (1st Place Man), Liam Pritchett (1st Place Youth), Koshare Eagle (1st Place Woman)! See the full results here |
Hippo 6K RunA great event to raise money for "Hippo Rollers." A way for families under developed regions to transport clean/safe water to their homes. Register here: |
Upcoming Events to Support LE![]() |
FISH Food NeedsWhile participating in Munch Madness please keep in mind the following needs: ![]() |
Munch Madness 2019!![]() |
Kittitas County Search and Rescue |
Dinner and a Movie- First ManCome and enjoy dinner and a great flick, all while supporting Rotary! ![]() |
CWU Teach STEM |
Ellensburg Downtown Association |
211 of Washington |
InspirationFitting that John would give such a great presentation this morning when this year's theme is "Be The Inspiration!" (Click on the "Read More" button to see all of John's slides from this morning) ![]() |
Dispute Resolution Center |
Meet our District Governor![]() |
Murder Mystery 2018- Cancelled**SORRY THE MURDER MYSTERY IS CANCELLED *** ![]() |
CWU North Campus |
Hope Source |
Employee Appreciation Lunch |
Lion Rock Visiting Writers |
Don't Forget to Bring Your Donations!![]() |
Spirit of the West |
Munch Madness 2018 |
Hospice Friends |
Thanks Dave Douglas![]() |
Dinner and a MovieMonday, November 13 at 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM. For tickets contact Kandice Carlson or Adam Crawford |
Circle the City UpdateDid you know CTC has a brand new section of trail? Just look at this beautiful new pathway between North Alder Park and 18th ave! ![]() ![]() |
Barn Party |
Ellensburg Roller Girls |
Ellensburg Downtown Association |
Rotary Leadership Institute![]() RLI will be offering their leadership course October 14th and 18th, and November 18th in Ellensburg! The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world. More information |
Reach Out and Reach Into Our Community![]() There are two up coming opportunities for Rotarians to "reach out and reach into our community." Give to our annual 4-H swine purchase fund. Each the EMR Club gives $1000 toward the purchase of swine from the Kittitas County Fair. Additionally we as member can give over and above. This allows Tom Morris and Scott Perna to purchase the animals during the 4-H sale. Additionally we pay to have the animals butchered and wrapped. The meat is then donated to F.I.S.H. ![]() The second opportunity to give toward the F.I.S.H. back to school backpack give away. Here are the lists for Lincoln and Mt. Stuart Elementary Schools. Alternatively you can give $35 to sponsor a child. |
Recent HappeningsCongratulations to John Haddon! John was recently presented with a Paul Harris Fellow certificate & pin Check out the new Little Free Library at North Alder Park (Painted by Dennis Wilson, husband of Nancy Wilson of the Downtown Club) |
Thanks for Your Leadership Jeri!THANK YOU JERI! ![]() Jack helps us to say thank you for a great year of leadership by Jeri Epperson. We also look forward to a great year with Sadie Thayer "at the helm!"
Interested in Fellowships?![]() Rotary Fellowships are independent, social groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world Follow this link for more information on the Rotary International Site
Downtown Clean UpSeveral Morning Rotary members participated in the downtown clean up on April 22nd:
![]() |
Rotaract "Run for a Reason"![]() |
Mount Stuart Robotics![]() We had a great visit from the Mount Stuart Elementary School Robotics Team this morning! These great young students have qualified to go to the "World Championships" in Louisville KY. They need your help getting the funding to get there. Please follow this link to help them out: You can also follow them on Facebook at: |
Club Runner App![]() Don't forget to download the Club Runner App for you smart phone. Available for your Android device, at your favorite app store. Also available for iPhone at the Apple App Store. For more information follow this link: |
Murder Mystery![]() |
Munch Madness!![]() Munch Madness was once again a success. Thanks to all who participated! The event gathered 28,363 pounds of food. Fun FISH Facts: |
And So It Begins...And so it begins... Last night Brad Case and I presented at the Ellensburg City Council meeting in regards to our proposed Circle the City Project and Trail Tale at Irene Rinehart. The council could not have been more supportive and enthusiastic about our plans. We now have full approval to move forward with the Trail Tale. A special thank you to everyone that has contributed to this idea and has pledged their time as this component of the Circle the City project comes along. Yours in Service,
Split the Pot winner!During our regular meeting on February 12th, rotarian James Paton won the Split the Pot! His son, Dexter, pulled the winning card. Congrats to both James and Dexter!
![]() |
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Dinner & A Movie!Please join us for Dinner & A Movie on November 13th at the CWU SURC Theater. The evening begins at 5:30pm with a social hour before a delicious dinner and good movie. Tickets may be purchased through any Rotarian of Ellensburg Morning. Everyone is welcome; rotary membership is not required for this event.
A big welcome to a new babyA big welcome to a new baby The Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club presented a backpack full of books and a gift certificate to Pearl Street Books to the first baby born on International Literacy Day locally on Sept. 8. This year’s baby is Jared Russel Cromer, 8 pounds, 12 ounces. He is the son of Jessica Crandell and Kyle Cromer and was born at Kittitas Valley Healthcare. Literacy is a basis for lifelong learning and plays a crucial foundational role in the creation of sustainable, prosperous and peaceful societies, according to UNESCO, which started Literacy Day in 1965. In addition to raising awareness for literacy efforts, the Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club supports the Ellensburg School District bookmobile and hosts an annual family reading night at Bright Beginnings. The club also provides books at the Kittitas County jail and to new Habitat for Humanity homes, and has supported training for teachers in South Sudan. |
Traveling Wall in Cle Elum! |
Let's Celebrate! |
EMRC Spring Fundraiser!![]() |
Youth Services Mentor Program Needs Your Help!
Mark Your Calendars!![]() |
Munch Madness!![]() ![]() |
Clymer Holiday SocialThanks to Phil and Judy Backlund who organized a Holiday Social at the Clymer Museum this past week! Kicking off the holidays right! Check out the photo's in the Club Photo Album! |
North Alder Street Park Grand Opening![]() |
Rotary donates bookshelves to jailMembers of the Ellensburg Morning Rotary Literacy Committee, Central Washington University Rotaract and CWU's WORD group stand next to bookshelves and books donated to inmates at the Kittitas County Jail. Members of the Ellensburg Morning Rotary Literacy Committee, Central Washington University Rotaract and CWU's WORD group toured the Kittitas County Jail on May 1. Morning Rotary recently donated six bookshelves to the jail as part of its Books Freeing Minds project. The bookshelves are set up in the multipurpose room in the new section of the jail. The club and students are collecting paperback books for inmates as part of a larger book drive. Members who toured the jail were Amanda Bean, Megan Foster, Naomi Barnes and Jaclyn Robertson with WORD. WORD stands for Washington Organization for Reading Development, and is a local chapter of the International Reading Association. Rotary members in attendance were Erleen Beckley, Judy and Phil Backlund, Joanna Markell, Jack Carpenter and Sheriff Gene Dana, who is a member of the Noon Rotary club. Rotaract members were Shannon Lowry, Lara Abuhudra, Johnny Niguyen and Cassandra Lariza. The clubs also have been collecting books for Bright Beginnings, Habitat for Humanity and the clean and sober house in Ellensburg. |
New Park Project![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Donations for Helping Neighbors & FriendsRotarians stepping forward to help neighbors in a time of need os a common practice. The Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club has taken step one in a donation to vistims of the Taylor Bridge fire. |
Come one, come all! EMRC FiresideCome one, come all! EMRC Fireside Tuesday, May 22nd at 6 PM Looking forward to see you all for our club's upcoming Fireside social. It will be Tuesday, May 22nd and be at the home of John and Claudia Haddon. The festivities will start at 6pm and should wrap up by 8pm. This will be an appetizer/dessert affair. If you would like to bring a snack or drink to share that would be great. Your presences is more important that food/drink though:) The Haddon address is...2501 N Delphine Ellensburg Wa. I have also attached a map if needed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Hope to see you on the 22nd! Keegan |
Rotaract Presentation this week.This weeks program will be:
Lana, Tara & Friends Rotoract - What's Happening & How to Use Social Media to Get the Word Out ![]() |
From Phil and Judy in Sudan.
A response from Judy to let me know she will not be attending the Board meeting and up date on the trip.
Bob, as you know we are in S. Sudan so can't make it. But, we are attending a Rotary meeting, Rotary Club of Juba, tonight. They are the group that helped us last year so we are looking forward to seeing them. The turnover here is so great that we are not sure how many folks will still be around. All is well here, but very hot. Temps have been in the l00's with 80-90% humidity. Yuk! We are still in Juba so have internet and AC part of the time. Tomorrow we leave for Akon, where there is none of that fancy stuff, so it should be even more of an adventure. We are going to the orphanage today to give them the pillow case dresses, shirts, scarves, books and scholarships that our Club and the student IRA group from CWU + Rotaract students have put together. We will take lots of pictures. If your meeting is short on Thursday feel free to share our little update. |
Thank You From Dinner and a Movie!
The Ellensburg Morning Rotary Club would like to THANK EVERYONE who participated in Dinner and a Movie! It was a tremendous success!
We would also Thank everyone who made that possible from the organizers, donors, bar tenders, food bringers, etc, etc, etc. Without your dedicated service to Ellensburg Morning Rotary, this event would not be possible! You are ALL SUPER STARS! TH ![]() |
Geology of Washington class FREENick Zentner is offering a Geology of Washington class again this winter - and you're invited to attend. For free. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. GEOL 103 (Geology of Washington) will be taught 10:00 - 10:50 am during the Winter Quarter. That's January 4 - March 9, 2012. Four lectures per week (Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays). New room: CWU's Lind Hall room 215. CWU students will be taking the course for credit - and there is plenty of room for you. Free parking at the Alberston's lot on Univeristy Way OR just north |
New Sgnt @ Arms and Greeter/Ticket Taker InfoATTENTION: There is new Sgnt @ Arms and Greeter/Ticket Taker list posted above in the "Committee Info" Section. Please check it out above! |