Circle the City

The Circle The City project is intended to improve our existing trails and pathways and encircle the city of Ellensburg with a comprehensive trail system. The trail will feature benches, exercise equipment, and signage. Upon completion of the project, CTC will have an approximate distance totaling 13.1 miles (the distance of a half marathon).
This project will consist of four phases:
- "A Trail Tale" This phase was completed in the fall of 2016. The trail runs along the river trail at Irene Rinehart Park. The pages of a children's story, based on our local lore and legend are printed on several sign boards and displayed along the trail
- A Veterans memorial section of trail planned for 2017.
- Local Art (time frame to be determined)
- Fitness/Exercise (time frame to be determined)
Did you know CTC has a brand new section of trail? Just look at this beautiful new pathway between North Alder Park and 18th ave!