Process for a new member admission to the club
JOIN US - Membership Details

What is Rotary?
It’s a leadership organization, made up of local business, professional and civic leaders, that meets regularly, gets to know each other, form friendships, and through that, gets things done in the local and global community.
Who Belongs to Rotary?
Anyone can be a member of Rotary. Our club has Rotarians who come from every walk of life -- students, professionals of all levels and career paths, retirees, and more. As long as an individual is willing to uphold the standards that Rotary abides by, then they are welcome to join Rotary.
What are Those Standards?
Rotary's Motto is "Service Above Self" but we also have Guiding Principles. Those include the Object of Rotary, the 4-Way Test, and the Avenues of Service. Learn more about those by clicking here.
Why Should You Become A Rotarian?
First off, Why Not? Giving back to your community is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things in life.
Secondly, who doesn't like to get up in the mornings and have breakfast with 40-50 of your favorite people in the community, that are full of energy and enthusiasm for being there at 6:45am, and having a delicious meal prepared by the Palace Cafe. We speak about what we can do in the community, and make plans -- and sometimes use the time to get things done. Honestly, it's the best place to be in Ellensburg.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
Belonging to a Rotary club provides members with an opportunity to make a contribution to their own communities and to communities around the world.
Members may join Rotary for many reasons, including community involvement, personal development, professional networking, and camaraderie with fellow members. But perhaps the most important benefit is the satisfaction gained from making a real difference in the world.
What are Our Projects?
Recently, our projects have include Circle the City, Backpacks for Kids, an annual purchase of an animal at the Kittitas County Fair Youth 4-H Livestock Auction (and donation of meat to the FISH Food Bank), annual support of the Ellensburg Animal Shelter, Operation Harvest food drive, Little Free Libraries, support of Chikumbuso Women and Orphans Project, and many more.
How Do You Join Our Club?
You're interested in what we do. Great! Now all you need to do is come to one of our meetings. They are every Thursday at 6:45am at the Palace Cafe in Ellensburg.
But before you show up, we would appreciate it if you reach out to our membership co-chairs. We'd love to have you as our guest! Also, please feel free to contact us if you'd like more information on our club.
Email Karen Grigg or Sadie Thayer