International Literacy Projects
- It all began in 2002 Psychology books for teachers in Myanmar
- From 2009-2011, Literacy committee members presented papers at the Pan African Reading for All Conference in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
- These committee members also did two, two week “Teachers Training Teachers” in literacy in South Sudan.
The Committee also did a project called“Clothe the Body-Feed the Mind.” This was a program of scholarships for girls at the “Children Out of Conflict & Crisis” Orphanage in Juba, South Sudan for four years until the situation got too bad in Juba. - Committee members worked with a Rotary Club in Lahore, Pakistan on a program called “Reading Across the Continents.”
- We also have sent Literacy supplies to the Chikumbuso Women’s and Orphans Project in Zambia.
- Committee members have worked with Rotary and Rotaract members in Macau ,China on supporting Literacy projects.
Current Local Literacy Projects
- “Jack’s Man cave” book storage locker where the Committee stores its supply of gently used books that we collect on a regular basis from book drives, yard sales and donations.
- We supply a bookshelf and books for each new Habitat for Humanity home. The books are selected specifically for the new home owners.
- Rotaract+EMRC Literacy Members partner up for a variety of literacy related activities & services, 2012-current
- We present a baby backpack of books to the first baby born in the County on International Literacy Day, 2015-Present
- Backpacks for kids supplies at the beginning of each school year.
- Supporter of the summer Bookmobile (the Ellensburg School District)
- Circle the City Trail tales (EMRC Literacy committee supported this project)
- Little libraries, 2017-Present-Currently we have 7 which are mostly in neighborhoods where children and families find it difficult to get to the Library and benefit by having books close by.